Bitcoin and alternate currencies
Setting up a physical shop may be pretty straightforward. Finding the right spot, setting up your machines, hiring staff, and other issues of starting up may be tiring, but should not be too complicated when setting up a cyber café casino or an Internet café casino.
While setting up an online gaming site is usually pretty straightforward, which involves thinking about the site's name, investing in buying and registering said domain, hiring graphic designers and programmers to tailor the site to your liking and finally a strategy to bring traffic to the site.
The tricky part comes when thinking about how to bring money in and money out of the casino site. Many merchants (such as credit card processors) are very wary of taking/paying money out from gambling sites, especially in countries where legality of such businesses may be an issue. Popular online payment processor Paypal doesn't even come close to allowing ANY type of gambling transactions through their platform.
In comes the Bitcoin. In existence for a couple of years now, the virtual currency has been gaining traction, after a relatively slow start. Since there is no "overseer" or government agency controlling the supply, demand, and flows of bitcoin, the currency is perfect for the online world. Being basically anonymous and almost untraceable, the electronic currency is being favored by people who do not wish to disclose their payment information online, and especially not in gambling sites.
A merchant account for Bitcoin can be procured fairly easily, and implementing it to your internet café casino or casino website should be a no hassle job.
In relation to Bitcoin, there are several other new virtual currencies on the rise, and it is a good strategy as an operator to always be on the lookout for these cyber currencies, since they may offer a convenient, inexpensive, and effective way to process payments in general.
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